About Us


We founded SmartInk Books with the purpose of creating books with a little something extra, squeezing a healthy dose of wow into every title we produce.  Between us, we formed this company with more than a half century of experience in trade children's publishing--creating, manufacturing, and selling books. It is this sensibility which we strive to apply to a list which has broad appeal across the widest possible of traditional, trade, and mass markets.

Along the way, we've been privileged to work with some of the finest publishers across four continents:


To say that our books are interactive is saying almost the obvious.  Yes, these are books with which a child will want to interact: read, play with and experience again and again.  But they are interactive in a far more important way, encouraging interaction between parent and child, fostering friendships with other children or providing the ingredients for a whole afternoon of family activity.

We've worked hard to ensure that our books offer the highest value: production value, editorial value, and value for money--and that they live up to a very simple dictum:  cool books for cool kids




Boutique Accessories

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Unparalleled Style

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